Say goodbye to time | Teen Ink

Say goodbye to time

March 18, 2010
By B1r2e3 BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
B1r2e3 BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
dont have one yet

The time has come to say goodbye. The time has come now. Our time is here and now. We'll walk across that stage with our heads held high and our memeories in our hearts. We've made it this for so you can't back down now. We've accomplished so much and achieve much more. This is only goodbye for today, not for tomorow or the next day. I will see you on T.V.or maybe when you have your first baby. Or I'll see in the streets, selling hot tamales. We'll never know. But one thing is for sure. We'll always be there for eachother. That's what sisiters are for.

The author's comments:
I've gotten to know many people in high school. Even though we might not be related, I consider some people at my school family.

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