City Lights | Teen Ink

City Lights

March 12, 2010
By JessicaLeitner BRONZE, Hartford, Wisconsin
JessicaLeitner BRONZE, Hartford, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

The night comes to a hault in the diminutive city.
Fewer cars are racing down the street, hoping to arrive at their destination in time.
Fewer people are roaming the streets, looking for something, anything, to
Keep them awake on the warm summer night.
The street lights flash a collection of red blinks, telling drivers to pay attention as their eyes get heavier on the long ride home.
For a boy and a girl, it is just the beginning .
The rest of the town is sleeping, young children.
Yet you are awake, looking only to each other for comfort.
He brushes her bangs aside as he looks at her with a sort of devotion in his eyes.
“I’ll never leave you.” He says, taking hold of the back of her neck and pulling her in for another kiss.
Despite the reassuring tone in his newly established voice, her eyes seem to glaze over as
She thinks about all the things that could go wrong.
Seeing the doubt, he sighs and puts his lips to hers once
Again, hoping to persuade her of the sincerity of his words.
When it is clear she will never be convinced, he
Grabs his word down coat and walks to his car.
The feeling in his stomach is almost pain, but
The rapid beating of his heart tells him
That there is more to his life now.
He smiles as he turns the key to his Chevy and drives away into the temperate night.

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