You Sent Me The Dreaded "Hey" | Teen Ink

You Sent Me The Dreaded "Hey"

February 22, 2010
By FlamableFyre DIAMOND, Spartanburg, South Carolina
FlamableFyre DIAMOND, Spartanburg, South Carolina
93 articles 9 photos 107 comments

Favorite Quote:
I don't have ambitions or desires.
Being a poet isn't my ambition,
it's my way of being alone.
~ Fernando Pessoa ~

You had told me so many
Times that you loved
Me, then came
The night you started to
Love someone else.
Then, after all the times I
Had promised myself that I
Would always love you;
I cursed you until my mouth
And I cried until my
Eyes told me they were
I had completely forgotten
You, until that one little
“Hey” that you sent me,
flung me into a rampage of

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