So much for bestfriends | Teen Ink

So much for bestfriends

February 13, 2010
By Ms.Anonymous GOLD, Sanford, Florida
Ms.Anonymous GOLD, Sanford, Florida
11 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Suck it"

"I don't know why I love you"
Words never stung so much
Offically scared.
"Don't love me if you don't want to." i tell him
"K..." all he says in return
End of discussion
Case closed
So long, Good-bye
we agree to be friends
what's the point?
we both know, it won't be the same
we won't talk
we'll rarely say hello
we'll avoid one another at all costs
Ignoring the promise we made
to stay close
to stay in touch
So.. for now...
until we realize what we've done
this is good-bye.

The author's comments:
Me and my best guyfriend, had an undefined relationship. He loved me and I loved him but I didn't want to risk things and jump into a relationship. He obviously got fed up with waiting around and changed his mind all together. He said "I don't know why i love you" that was definitly enough to get some emotions brewing... i love him to death and I hope we can work things out but only time will tell...

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