Every Almost Answer | Teen Ink

Every Almost Answer

December 13, 2009
By LiGht-ChaseR GOLD, Out There, Oklahoma
LiGht-ChaseR GOLD, Out There, Oklahoma
11 articles 1 photo 12 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The Dark is generous, and it is patient, and it always wins, but in the heart of its strength lies weakness: One lone candle is enough to hold it back.
Love is more than a candle.
Love can ignite the stars." -Matthew Stover

They say water is a sign of cleansing, a sign of rebirth. But cannot it represent war too? For even rain turns to snow, while winter is associated with death.
No, even further, water, lakes and puddles are like a mirror, reflecting back ourselves for us to see... There is a surface and deep depths in water; several levels and symbols themselves. And even when you go too deep in those droplets of life, you die under the pressure. Not everything is as it seems--n' rarely something is. Why water be life when People Drown In It? And Why it be death--Without It We Die. No, water is Both, yet Neither. -It has its own meaning with two ways--too many ways--to look at it. No, water is Never one thing, but plenty of things. There is never only yes and a no. There's always that contradictory reply somewhere in the midst of the two ..For even the world is in color instead of black or white. Yes, black. And white... and Every color Inbetween.

The author's comments:
Ha,ha. Actually, this all came to me while I was in the bathroom. So, I picked up a sheet of paper and pen that was lying around and just started writing. Funny how things come to you randomly. ;D Luckily, I had writing tools sitting there. I have got to start carrying around a pad of paper with me. Hope y'all enjoy it and remember any poems that come to your mind! I hardly ever do!

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