I FORGOT HOW TO FUNCTION MY EMOTIONS (they never came back from vacation) | Teen Ink

I FORGOT HOW TO FUNCTION MY EMOTIONS (they never came back from vacation)

December 23, 2009
By Electricity PLATINUM, Bradenton, Florida
Electricity PLATINUM, Bradenton, Florida
30 articles 0 photos 271 comments

How I used to cry when characters died in books
(oh, the emotions were great)
When tears would swell from my eyes as classical music flooded my ears
(hearing the strings resonate as the bow soothingly glides across the strings)
They way I’d smile wide when I was happy
(at Christmas, birthdays, happy times)
How I’d wake up, ready to play
(beaming at my mother’s warm and wanted love)

Belligerent and defiant with every word
(frowning, aggressive, an ugly girl)
Fortified from spewing tears, from unnecessary weakness
(though there is a death of a friend, lingering for official answer)
Contented with the pain of raw abhorrence, of drowning in darkness
(sends a smile to the face in the masquerade of a grimace)
Emotions have taken a vacation, only to have bought a one-way ticket
(e-mailing, facebooking, calling and SMSing)

Alone and disdained, locked in a cage
(poked at, laughed at, weak and deranged)
A patchwork of bedlam, abandoned and relinquished
(quilted with dozens of squares, each a different shade and design)
Failed- a usless body
(there had been so much potential, so much ambition)
Deserving of death
(as I always knew, the misery has to end)

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This article has 2 comments.

on Aug. 1 2011 at 6:11 pm
secrets_of_silence GOLD, Gisborne, Other
12 articles 0 photos 439 comments

Favorite Quote:
life had i loved the more
had it but passed away
as quietly as the day
ebbs from the darkening star.

-emanuel litvinoff

awesome and true

on Jan. 13 2010 at 4:12 pm
Bimzaars BRONZE, Greenfield, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't spend your time doing things you love, but do things you are obliged with love".

In other words, don't run away from duty, but try to love duty and it'll be easier for you.

Wow. I feel exactly the same way.

I don't know why. I guess its what they call,


On Birthdays I feel sad,

Because I'm growing up.

One thing has changed though:

This Christmas, I felt happy.

So I guess this will pass.

Don't worry, its just hard.

But one day you'll just laugh :)