Nerd! | Teen Ink


November 12, 2009
By bri_bo94 SILVER, Spokane, Washington
bri_bo94 SILVER, Spokane, Washington
5 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
My personal quote....

Live, Laugh, Love

Live long
Laugh loud
Love forever!!!!

I hear as I walk down the hall.
Typical, I hear it all the time.
I’m one of the top students in my grade.
I ignore as usual.
They go on listening to their IPods and laughing.
Cheerleaders, Jocks, Preps, Gangsters, Wanna-Bes.
Doesn’t matter who they are, they all treat me the same.
But what they don’t know is what I can do.
I may not be as tough as them in a fight.
Or as strong as them when I punch.
But they will obey me.
They will obey me one day.
One day I will become their boss.
One day I might become their President.
One day I might rule them all.
Who do they think has made their precious IPods?
A nerd of course.
A geek.
The ones they make fun of.
We made their cell phones.
We made their computers.
We made their televisions.
We made what makes their world go ‘round.
We made what makes life easier.
And we can take it all away.
For one day,
They will rue the day
That they made fun of
“The Nerd”.

The author's comments:
This is when being made fun of comes in handy.

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