Illumination | Teen Ink


September 11, 2009
By zachroyal PLATINUM, Johnson City, Tennessee
zachroyal PLATINUM, Johnson City, Tennessee
33 articles 4 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I Am but Mad North-northwest: When the Wind is Southerly I Know a Hawk from a Handsaw"

He stared at himself.
At his reflection in his thumbnail.
Illuminated by the thoughts of the now,
Supporting weight,
Lights of a cell phone button panel,
The darlings of the that,
The occasional thought of her.
He thought that it felt kind of surreal,
To see himself,
In himself.
What he dreamed he might always know.

Earlier still, he felt the royal breeze of the wind
Humming through his pine tree kingdom
And observed a higher power
From his park bench throne.
He made serfs of the domesticated peasant-animals
And spoke fluently their colloquial language;
The same language that taught
Him how to form his own doctrines of pine and wilt and youth.
He was the prince of wilted flowers and honest hopes.

And I see now what was so glorious of the wilted
Past-future, the occasional constant,
The foreshadowing of her voice in the royal, humming, breeze.

He stared at himself,
At his reflection in he wind,
Illuminated by the empty
Park bench throne next to him,
Thoughts of an honest hope,
A wink and a smile from the wind in the trees.

The author's comments:
When I was little, I would go to the little trail behind my house and play for hours. It was protected by rows of trees and had a little bench and lots of flowers. I made it my kingdom. I ruled it from my bench and imagined my queen beside me, sharing my doctrine. Recently, I revisited the place, and though its overgrown and not quite as pretty (or gigantic) as I remember (in fact its not but maybe thirty yards of actual trail), I remembered it as it was- my kingdom.

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