One and Another | Teen Ink

One and Another

September 6, 2009
By FlamableFyre DIAMOND, Spartanburg, South Carolina
FlamableFyre DIAMOND, Spartanburg, South Carolina
93 articles 9 photos 107 comments

Favorite Quote:
I don't have ambitions or desires.
Being a poet isn't my ambition,
it's my way of being alone.
~ Fernando Pessoa ~

One burnt a hole in my heart
the other mended it, until
the wound was a mere memory,
the past,
not to be brought back
one scowled
the other smiled and laughed
one ended
the other began
God put one here so the other could help mend my
broken heart
i had fallen into a million
pieces, and
the other was here to pick them
up, one by one, putting me
back together,
better than before,
better than ever
he brought me back to
life and gave me a new life
because, unlike one,
the other cared about
but now they're
men, that explains it all.

The author's comments:
i wrote this poem when i was happy to be in a new relationship with a new guy, and i still had my mistakes clouding my past. the new guy helped me get over the old one, then he left too, thats when i added the last few lines.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Oct. 12 2009 at 2:18 pm
SilverAngel SILVER, West Carollton, Ohio
8 articles 0 photos 63 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is an open book, we take the journey until the end." ~Me

I loved it! That is very good because it is personal and probably to others also!

on Sep. 20 2009 at 5:38 am
Kumanga DIAMOND, Bethel, Alaska
56 articles 0 photos 95 comments

Favorite Quote:
Always Accept nd love urself for who u are!

this is really good..