Scar On My Heart | Teen Ink

Scar On My Heart

September 3, 2009
By Anjo! SILVER, Roseburg, Oregon
Anjo! SILVER, Roseburg, Oregon
6 articles 0 photos 211 comments

These tears,
Are burning my cheeks.

Like coals to the skin,
It leaves a scar on my heart

Stop making my soul cry
I don’t think i can take it anymore.

These tears,
Are burning my eyes.

Like a knife to my wrists,
It leaves a scar on my heart.

Stop now.
For my love for you is gone
And now you are piercing my heart
With your crude words that you bring.

Leave my life,
So I don’t have to bear this pain anymore.
Goodbye forever and ever.

The author's comments:
Unlike my usual work, this piece does not involve me. But this poem just spoke to me, so i thought i would show it to you. Tell me what you think (Bad or Good) Thanks.

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This article has 5 comments.

on Oct. 8 2009 at 11:51 am
JustAGirlNextDoor SILVER, Peachland, North Carolina
5 articles 6 photos 31 comments

Favorite Quote:
I think my favorite quote is
"Would you rather me tell you the truth and make you sad or lie and make you happy".

I love it its very nice I love the part about the knife to your wrist its my favorite part your very good.

Keep it up

Anjo! SILVER said...
on Sep. 19 2009 at 3:28 pm
Anjo! SILVER, Roseburg, Oregon
6 articles 0 photos 211 comments
haha, yeah. that is the sad thing about it, with so many people can relate to it. but yeah, i totally love it too. i always reread that line when i read the poem. lol

on Sep. 19 2009 at 3:26 pm
.xCutMyLifeIntoPiecesx. PLATINUM, Longmont, Colorado
35 articles 0 photos 82 comments
It really is! the power is in the fact that so many people can relate. and that's aweful. the fact that even the people who haven't been there at least know someone who has. it says a lot about society now and what is socially acceptable. it's so sad and so powerful. i love it. <3

Anjo! SILVER said...
on Sep. 19 2009 at 3:24 pm
Anjo! SILVER, Roseburg, Oregon
6 articles 0 photos 211 comments
No, its not weird.. heres the weird thing... Its my favorite line too! No joke! it took my a lot of thinking coming up with that line! haha, but i love it cause its so powerful

on Sep. 19 2009 at 3:22 pm
.xCutMyLifeIntoPiecesx. PLATINUM, Longmont, Colorado
35 articles 0 photos 82 comments
GAAAHHH!!! FANTASTIC!!! I really liked the line about the knife to your wrists. That sounds really twisted of me, doesn't it... lol oh well that's the way I am. but seriously, awesome. very emotional! <3