My Thoughts | Teen Ink

My Thoughts

December 14, 2023
By goatwagons SILVER, Ellis Grove, Illinois
goatwagons SILVER, Ellis Grove, Illinois
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Oh it’s a wonderful world,
That I live in,
Everything’s been going great,
Besides the way I’ve been feelin’,
What if he leaves me,
What if it doesn’t work out and he finds a new,
All of these what ifs,
Yet you know none of them are true,
Why do I feel this way?
Maybe it was the drama?
Maybe it's the pain?
Maybe it’s the trauma,
This horrible beast I’ve lived with,
For many of years,
It still lingers,
It still knows all my fears,
But who am I kidding?
I know it’s not true,
So I bottle it up,
Waiting for it to spew,
To spew from my mouth,
For my words to cause harm,
And yet even after everything I’ve done,
He still lets me rest in his arms.

The author's comments:

This is just how I've been feeling as of recent, nothing really special about it.

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