Floating Away | Teen Ink

Floating Away

November 15, 2023
By Redstone GOLD, Topeka, Kansas
Redstone GOLD, Topeka, Kansas
13 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
Respect is Given, Trust is Earned

I’m floating away in an unfinished boat

I wasn’t given much time to finish it, but

I’ll work with what I have

I wasn’t given enough wood either, but

I’m a smart kid, so I’ll figure it out

I tried to find more wood on another

island, but I didn’t find any

That’s okay, I’ll figure it out later

I’ll work twice as hard to row

I’ll get home soon, I have to

If I don’t, I’ll have ruined my

future, and that’s just not an option

I’ll work sleepless nights rather than

have to stay stuck on this island

I’ll take care of the island for now

The land that I’ll soon leave

And I soon will take a bottle of sand

A dreadful reminder of failure

An awful reminder of my origins

That still remain sentimental

Yes, I hated that island

But that island was once my home

My family, my people live there

And it’s hard to let that go

I’m floating away on an unfinished boat

But maybe it’s not so bad

I’ll love and cherish memories

And the life that I once had

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