Truth of Happiness | Teen Ink

Truth of Happiness

September 26, 2023
By zuleikanodal BRONZE, Bernard, Iowa
zuleikanodal BRONZE, Bernard, Iowa
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Truth of Happiness 
Happiness is a feeling that brings people together overtime, 
it creates images of the beautiful butterflies that are flying around the summertime.  
Happiness creates a sense of feeling loved all throughout the nation, 
it holds nothing but pure emotion that people feel as though they are getting admiration. 
Happiness is taught in the mindset of willingness,  
it teaches those that don’t want to do anything but nothingness. 
Happiness helps bring people together all in one sense of feeling, 
it holds so much power that it bonds those that aren’t worth getting the chance to feel this feeling.  
Happiness tends to rely on those that really do respond the best to itself, 
it always gives second chances to those that are worthwhile.  

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