Un-painting a Picture | Teen Ink

Un-painting a Picture

January 16, 2023
By cheraqueli SILVER, San Francisco, California
cheraqueli SILVER, San Francisco, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A photograph does not speak a thousand words,

It does however speak to ugly children

Not because you look just that bad,

But because you kept it in a shoebox

to look back at it someday.

In the photo you…

can ignore your atrociously parted hair and admire the skyline, 

years before they built that ugly skyscraper.

You can audibly gag at the vibrantly pink color of your t-shirt,

but you cannot erase the memory of when you bought it at Justice just to feel girly

and you can’t revisit the store, because they demolished it four years ago.

You can cringe at the Daffy Duck hat you wore to cover your short hair

But you can’t for the life of you remember where it went 

Which means you can’t try it on again just for fun.

If you imagine your crooked teeth are all straight,

It will not change the fact that the hill you're standing on is now a dump.

If you can look past your leopard print glasses and into your eyes,

you will realize it is still you that is there.

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