The Summer of '22 | Teen Ink

The Summer of '22

December 9, 2022
By Anonymous

I stepped off the bus, the sun warming my skin

Ecstatic for summer vacation to begin

The past school year was hectic, without much of a doubt

God, was I glad to finally be out! 

I started by playing Splatoon for hours on end

Ever so grateful for my friend's recommend.


"Running Up That Hill" my cousin and I would sing

Since all I could think about was Stranger Things

When ArtFight rolled around, I attacked friends and foes

Drawing their characters with unmatchable gusto

I'll admit, it was a tad lonely without the company of friends

Although we texted for hours with seemingly no end.


I attended a day camp, as did my cousin

And each day I would return to a house warm as an oven

We drove up to Niagara, and though the falls were pretty

In all honesty, the food was repulsive in that city!

Toronto was awesome, especially the CN Tower

During the car ride there I drew with all of my power!


Our trip to Lake George was definitely the worst one

Unless you'd call eating in a Walmart parking lot "fun"

The home stretch of these months were spent relaxing in my pool

Listening to Gorillaz, yearning for the shoeshine that is cool

Animation was a skill I began to hone

I felt at peace. I was fully alone.


Until the first day of school hit me like a bright yellow bus

Into an uncomfortable, stressful environment I was thrust

And though this year feels happier, and I gained friends and passions too

I'll never forget the summer of '22.

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