My heart | Teen Ink

My heart

May 18, 2022
By Ryleigh-bish DIAMOND, Ashtabula, Ohio
Ryleigh-bish DIAMOND, Ashtabula, Ohio
81 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
what if we’re like butterflies

Grief is only a reflection of love

I couldn't hurt that much, if I didn't love that much

I soak it all up like a sponge

You have to squeeze me to fill me up

You have to hurt me, before I can love

I lack the courage to live without the ones I love

Apart of me hopes you feel what I felt when you shattered my soul

I know it's cold but maybe you could just understand

You don't hold me back, you hold me together

And i've been trying to tell you that with every encounter

It's hard grieving someone whos still alive

Who you miss, but don't have to

You gave me distance, when I needed love

You don't look at me, you stare

And when you ask me what's wrong I give you the storybook version

Hoping somehow, someway, you can understand

When you are raised in a burning house you think the whole world is on fire

I can’t even fit in with my own family

The more your lit the faster you burn

But me and you, we were like glue

I would have been lost my whole life looking for you

Now my existence has ended

From the absence of you

What's a bigger feeling than love? 


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