Wysteria | Teen Ink


May 17, 2022
By Anonymous

In the valley of the dead

As the night turns in

With the grey graves

Dominating the stormy skyline

The colors of the day shine through

Green of the trees and grass

Light filters in

With shades of emerald

Sage and lime

Red of the ground 

Wet from rain

Brown and ruddy

Blending with the stones

And finally blue

Of the sky and wisteria

As the clouds go away

Shining rays of hope

Through the air

The wisteria blooms

Growing three feet and four

Casting shadows

Of blue and lilac

Outshining all

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem on the way home from a funeral to read at a coffeehouse and the words just started coming to me. I was inspired by the sites I saw at the cemetery and the plant Wisteria which I saw a few days earlier, and is the namesake of the Sherlock Holmes story Wisteria Lodge I called the poem Wysteria just because I adore the word and the beautiful imagery of the flower. 

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