Perfection | Teen Ink


February 24, 2022
By gparks25 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
gparks25 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown”
― H.P. Lovecraft

I have to study

I don’t need friends

I don’t need to feel joy

No matter how alone I feel

Being immaculate is all I have 

“What am I other than the best”

I have to practice

I need to be first

I need to be at the top

Never less than flawless

I have to be the image of perfection

“What will happen to me if I am not the best”

I’m running out of time

My whole life is riding on this

I need to make this perfect

I will never be complete

“What's the point of existing if I can’t be the best”

The author's comments:

Perfection can eat away at you like a caterpillar to a leaf.

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on Mar. 8 2022 at 5:03 pm
SparrowSun ELITE, X, Vermont
200 articles 23 photos 1053 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It Will Be Good." (complicated semi-spiritual emotional story.)

"Upon his bench the pieces lay
As if an artwork on display
Of gears and hands
And wire-thin bands
That glisten in dim candle play." -Janice T., Clockwork[love that poem, dont know why, im not steampunk]

reminds me of my poem lonely. not going to link it, I hate when people do that.
you'll move past that. the 'someday I'll have friends, be normal, be enough, ect' will come sooner than you think. i know because I didn't think it would come until I was an adult, maybe never. but it only took a year or so, and now, for now, I'm content.