Little | Teen Ink


November 18, 2021
By Abi_Franco BRONZE, New Providence, New Jersey
Abi_Franco BRONZE, New Providence, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You don’t choose what happens to you but you can choose how you react to it.

Just a little kid
I didn’t understand your plan
I was so little
I wanted so bad to be bigger
I thought talking to you would make me look bigger
You just made me smaller
Under your thumb
You could tower over me
I wasn’t told That the devil could be so charming
I wasn’t told that he would hold me before he would try and strangle me
That he would pick me up to push me down
That the only person that took away the sad would just give it all back
I still cry
A little girl playing in the sand box with a sholve making a masterpiece
Now in her room wearing clothes that are to tight
They don’t fit her like they should fit a 14 year old girl
Now she sholves globe of makeup on that masterpiece she has spent hours on it to cover the bruises burns and cuts
She knew it was wrong by the way she could no no longer look anyone in eye
Like a stray dog she just runs away
he was stronger and bigger than her
It was no match
A matter of time till he place her in a collar
She now wished to be smaller
So she can slip away from the intricate web of lies she’s tangled in
Laying on her back begging the man in sky
Take me away
I didn’t know it would go tho way
Like a snowflake melts in a forest fire
I wanst supposed to be here
I can’t wait to disappear
I felt that i could never show anyone what had happened
But the blood was never quite soaked up by the napkin
She couldn’t rasie he hand in class
Even if she knew the answer
Then cuts and bruises would show
Her suffering would show
He said no one was to know
It was only a matter of time before he offered her a ring
That didn’t change a thing
Wouldn’t make the pain go way
Insted a way for it to stay
They said not to feed a wild cat
Then they would come back for more
But she was just a poor girl
Who didn’t know the cost
The cost was her
Now she is lost at sea
It’s hard to believe she was so small
All she wanted was to be big
Now she’s nothing at all

The author's comments:

Visit if you or a loved one is experiencing domestiv violence, or feeling depressed, overwhelmed or suicidal. 

It's okay to not be okay :) 

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