We were dancing in the dark | Teen Ink

We were dancing in the dark

September 24, 2021
By Anonymous

We danced in the dark
With roses of stained glass falling around us

We danced in the dark
With the quiet murmurs and laughs filling the air around us

We danced in the dark
With swirling silks dancing around our shadows

We danced in the dark
With the thrum of the music to guide us

We danced in the dark
With piercing eyes in the sky watching us

We danced in the dark
With our fingers clasped like an unspoken promise

We danced in the dark
With our feet in the drizzled grass

We danced in the dark
With dreams sparkling in our eyes

We danced in the dark.
Until the roses of stained glass shattered into painful shards

We danced in the dark.
Until the quiet murmurs and laughs were near echoes from the past

We danced in the dark.
Until the swirling silks became the shadows trying to drown us

We danced in the dark.
Until the thrum of the music became a ticking clock

We danced in the dark.
Until the piercing eyes in the sky became malicious onlookers waiting for disaster

We danced in the dark.
Until our fingers felt cold around each other

We danced in the dark
Until the grass became quicksand to swallow us whole
We danced in the dark
Until the dreams in our eyes became nightmares

We danced in the dark;
We danced in the dark until you were gone.

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