Frothy Rays of Happiness | Teen Ink

Frothy Rays of Happiness

July 27, 2021
By samiflair BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
samiflair BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Radiant light emerges onto my face as I join the gleaming yellow in a rising jig.

Bright and big, it follows where I go, flickering on lights as I pass.

Dandelion hues are freshly painted across an abyss of grass.

Blonde rays dash through streets, out alleyways, and up into the sky like an agile dog chasing a frantic squirrel.

Oh how wonderful it is to feel the embrace of honey scented flames fluttering fierce flashes.

Sweet pineapple tones embark on their journey to the highest peak of the sky.

A merigold muse fills my mind as I ponder my possible future endeavors, each guided by skipping mustard strokes.

Daffodil buds spring into action as the ever so powerful sunlight cascades down on them.

Butterscotch beams, shimmering with hope, granting my every wish and more.

Now that ring of lemon has been replaced with a coil of heavy fire, I stare back at it for the last time today.

Slowly fading I see it go, a mass of melted gold sinking deep into Earth’s very soul.

Waving goodbye to the day and hello to the night, that canary sphere leaves me waiting for tomorrow’s first light.

The author's comments:

This poem is inspired by the use of figurative language and a constant color theme. The color in reference is yellow.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Aug. 1 2021 at 10:34 am
Rsnail-925 PLATINUM, Boulder, Colorado
29 articles 11 photos 106 comments

Favorite Quote:
A story has as many versions as it has readers - Winter Of Our Discontent

I love your poem! Also, it's my dream to live in Wilmington Delaware, sorry that was random.