The Runaway Brother | Teen Ink

The Runaway Brother

May 8, 2021
By Anonymous

Houses are too full of holes,

Windows and doors.

Like spots in an apple, they let rot inside.

Or they let it all leak outside—

the papers, the cold air, the sanity,

 the autistic brother.

Autistic brothers speak louder than words.

 Houses are full of innumerable holes,

 and the fuse in the basement is burning fast.

Like holes being punctured in a boat,

autistic brothers open barriers and leak outside the house and come unstuck—

like in Finding Nemo, where Nemo goes into the dark scary seas despite his father’s pleas

and falls into a diver’s hands.

The house keys crunch and the house alarms screech,

announcing the loss, the break-out, the runaway, the breech.

The walls are churning, and the sky is turning

like a Rubix cube.

Too many lessons, and not enough space for learning,

 just the breathless space between the phone buttons calling 9-1-1.

So many words trying to pin down an autistic brother—

as though he cared for clothes to wear or houses to live inside.

So many teeth waiting to clamp!

Shoes were flapping off my feet,

 and my ears were falling off, listening for him to please come back home.

 The alarms sang in the deadest and blackest night.

Surrounded by my pajamas and stuffed toys,

I watched, listened, as the door opened,

and the voice of a mother called to the autistic brother—

then, like an autistic shooting star, he was clear out of sight.

We reached out to him, though he pushed and shoved us away.

We rewrote the dictionaries of love.

We were and still are the house that is a ship full of holes.

The holes are burning. The ship is yearning.

Before we have time for speaking or thinking,

 the ship is sinking.

The author's comments:

This piece compares having an autistic brother with an elopment habit with a ship full of holes that sinks. This really happened to me. It is a kind of depressing take on The Runaway Bunny.

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 10 2021 at 7:52 pm
SparrowSun ELITE, X, Vermont
200 articles 23 photos 1053 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It Will Be Good." (complicated semi-spiritual emotional story.)

"Upon his bench the pieces lay
As if an artwork on display
Of gears and hands
And wire-thin bands
That glisten in dim candle play." -Janice T., Clockwork[love that poem, dont know why, im not steampunk]

theres something called son rise that helps with autism. i think its worth getting to know him inside, I hope I am(I'm autistic, high functioning)
btw are you interested in cowriting something with me? i cant write romance(as I'm writing a borderline romance someplace else). the concept is a wolf is with her pack and she gets injured somehow. the pack cant help her but they're in danger so they leave. a boy finds her with depression and some other stuff. he saves and heals her, and she stays with him. having her helps him, but he's not romanticly interested in her... but she doesn't realize shes falling in love with him. and in the end, the world randomly explodes and everybody dies.(jk)