A Sailors Fate | Teen Ink

A Sailors Fate

February 21, 2021
By Daniel-T BRONZE, Indialantic, Florida
Daniel-T BRONZE, Indialantic, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Luck favors the prepared" - Edna

Salty tyranny,

The ocean dissolves my hopes,

Brutally torn and scraped against the shoreline,

A bloodied body – broken and abandoned.

Cast onto the volcanic beach,

I make a bloodied gurgle to the sky,

“Why must the life be treacherous?

Why must the sky die in red fantasia?

Why must the earth devour the souls of men?

Why must the sea deceive?”

Then Appear the taunting creatures,

One of white silk,

The other a red horned brute.

“Just as I warned,” said the angelic figure.

“Don’t blame me,” hacked the horned devil.

“Oh, what a fool this human was to follow your advice, to travel the ocean, to find a vice.”

“So proper with your worgpickling, holycrickling, dipdickling – your words a pickle munching scourge,” screeched the demon.

“I simply desire what is best for this human – A life of love, wisdom, and peace – A life of golden sunrises and silver sunsets…happiness.”

“Ha! Ha. Hoooooo! Hee, backstickle, breakstlack, what in the Hell is this stickle you’d be bat’in on about? Ha!”

“How would you understand, oh devil’s mouthpiece…..”

On the beach I lay,

Wide eyed,

Puffy faced,

Blood stained mouth,

In torment,

In agony,

Forever to remain.






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