The Pianist's Poet | Teen Ink

The Pianist's Poet

January 7, 2020
By Emily-Milay SILVER, Muncy, Pennsylvania
Emily-Milay SILVER, Muncy, Pennsylvania
9 articles 0 photos 16 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A book is a frigate."
Emily Dickinson

My distinct opposition, 

Vague to fleeting gaze, yet sharp in passions parallel. 

Can thou not purge thyself of composed duty for a second to birth composition?

You the pianist and I the poet…

Harnessing the sway of vernacular seductions and haunting inked melodies?

Is the stroke of ivory not unlike the lucid stroke of a quill?

A tender caress of the soul, the convict that flees from the fingers? That burgeons on the mesmerizing precipice of illusion?

We, weighted by that oppressive mistress “Ingenuity,” so keen to let her tramp across our pages and keys. 

Can thou not find inspiration in me?

The author's comments:

I'm a seventeen year old writer whose aspired to be an author since age three. My poetry is inspired from personal feelings and experinces, and I hope it connects with you. Thank you for taking the time to read my work!!

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