The Heavenly Hero | Teen Ink

The Heavenly Hero

February 5, 2019
By Kaden_Page BRONZE, Enterprise, Utah
Kaden_Page BRONZE, Enterprise, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I woke up and opened my eyes,

I look out the tent and see the sunrise.

The mountains all covered in snow;

It fills me with such sorrow.

I see rivers flow with great might;

But awful things then come into my sight.

Scattered through the dead brown grass;

Are shells made of dull brass.

As I lay here and take my last breathe,

I see my comrades go to their death.

I soon awake and see the pearly gates,

I'm excited to see what heaven awaits.

For my sacrifice has not been in vain,

Protecting freedoms has brought eternal gain.

The author's comments:

I made this in about twenty minutes and I am in 8th grade, and I hope it can make it into the magazine so that I can put it in my portfolio as a senior, hoping I can get a scholarship. This whole idea just came to me, I thought of something else but I got a feeling and changed my mind.

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