A shoe | Teen Ink

A shoe

January 4, 2019
By colorpop SILVER, Brookfield, Wisconsin
colorpop SILVER, Brookfield, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My family and I have different shoes. My mom, dad and brother have different styles, no shoe alike. My dad's shoes are made with leather,a tongue with a inner soul. My mom’s shoes are as black as a night with no stars or as grey as fog. She can go from high heels, low heels,  flats and pumps. My brother”s shoes are fresh, freshly purchased and worn. His shoes are as black as ink, his shoes as smooth as a baby's arm but tough as steel.

On the other hand”,” my shoes are white as a diamond and as comfy as pillows to my feet. My family and I have different shoes and for every shoe there is a story.

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