We Go to a Blue Building on Thursday | Teen Ink

We Go to a Blue Building on Thursday

November 28, 2018
By alexegold SILVER, Bay Area, California
alexegold SILVER, Bay Area, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It is blue she says she thought this was church now we are at a blue building and God is here the church inside is too red though does he like red and she cries she is wearing blue and wishes she had white for God. There are colors on the windows and these are nice and match the colors on our clothes and not our hands like houses or churches because it is America do you like color God. Blue church is nice no one is here we see the windows and the fountain we wish we could drink it but you cannot drink it even though the only humans here are the man in the booth and God. God is in the booth confessing to the man on the bench I cannot see them though they are inside. This is what I think they are saying

Hello God

Hello Man I sinned

Oh no

I think he is wishing he wore better clothes too so the people did not stare when he walked to the church the people looked at me I felt like a sl*t I did not have a white coat it is okay to be a sl*t if you are pretty and have someone to protect you in case there are people in the church who do not like you this is why we go to a different one each Thursday. On Thursday she also likes to come because her school friends are not here and I am not offended I understand I am a bad and young mom and her school friends are special she wants it to not be bad at elementary school I understand there they give you orange popsicles somedays and books are free she likes to read ones about wizards and also about little boys and girls who dont run away from you on the playground and also construction. She likes to draw the chairs at school sometimes she does not do her homework and draws tables I do not get mad because I do not care and who would she talk to if we fight we have ourselves is this all we need. Sorry God you can probably hear our black shoes my shoes do not click very much but hers do please do not take her though take me instead she should get to pit pat on the tiles it sounds like a song do you like music God? The moms do not like my shoes because they are too big they are from the corner store by our home it is okay if you do not too they are probably right. They are smart they have college degrees because they went to Michigan and Pennsylvania and Washington the capitol not the state but some went to the state too forgive me God I did not. I did I did is what I say when they say did you yes it was in Colorado it was not because it was not real. It is real now though because I said it is like with your book those are the things you said now they are true right that is what the moms say I am still learning though. Me and her walk to the other room the one with the velvet seats that we pretend are comfortable to please the man in the booth with our silence but they are hard they make me sore but it is worth it right to talk to you right. We look at the big stage where the statue and the cross and the flowers and the gold and white and red and candles are putting on a show. I like this play I whisper she laughs but it is a small laugh she is tired because she is small. I hold her hand she is seven years old. She goes to the grade with the eight year olds because there was no space with the seven year old grade I had to lie is that a sin I am sorry God she needed to go to school to get the books with the pictures of chairs tables ceilings walls stairs because she wants to draw the chairs tables ceilings walls stairs in a glass building and a suit this is called being an architect. I know this because I helped her look and she decided that this looks nice she will do it. It is 5pm and June she is not in school now she does not get orange lime strawberry popsicles when it is 100 degrees she gets water when we go on a walk to the church though because there is a fountain we do not drink out of your fountain we drink out of the normal person fountain with unholy normal person water. It still tastes good but I wonder how your water tastes on Thursdays when we are here. She is picking up a book she likes to read a fairytale from your book it is not like her school books but she likes them I pick up the book. The book says “Jesus said to him, 'Receive your sight; your faith has healed you' Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus praising God When all the people saw it, they also praised God” I do not know what this means I do not know who he is I tell her she is lucky she has sight and we should be grateful to have eyes I think this message is nice. Sorry I messed up your message I never read your book until Thursday we went to a church now we go to church on Thursdays am I getting better at reading your story. People get better at reading when they do it a lot that is what she tells me when we read every night or sometimes in the evening because we are small and tired she is very small but I am still small and it is me so I am tired but we read and I love her. The moms read together I am mom not the mom mom and the mom are different because I do not have a title or a man to be the dad. It is the mom and the dad this is how it is I lose him I lose the and I lost him a long time ago now I am mom is that okay. You do not have a title either though but people read your book you are very famous it is nice that you are very famous you make me feel good. This is because I can talk to you I can talk to her only about things like blue buildings and water and eyes and colors and popsicles but not moms moms will hurt her more than they hurt me. We go outside of the building because there is a garden outside it is a cemetery but we call it the garden so she is less afraid of the ghosts I think it is because her dad is a ghost and she does not want to see him she has me and I am a bad mom I tried. I am sorry God I tried but I am not a ghost. She must not be afraid she must focus on reading so one day she can become like you God and write a book with her own stories with lessons and read the book in better seats than your building God. She will have water. And chairs tables ceilings walls stairs. She will not be a small mom. She will be like you God. I think she wants to be like you God. Goodbye God. We do.

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