Frontside or Backside | Teen Ink

Frontside or Backside

October 29, 2018
By milwaukeeman SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
milwaukeeman SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When you step foot onto the hill eyes glare to see what you will do.  It's a debate between snowboarders as to who is better.  My life long friend Luke and I have competed to see who is better since the day we started riding.  He is famed for his fluent frontside 360. The boards spins ever so fast, like a helicopter, while the edges of the board dig into the snow to stick landing.  For me the backside 360 is what sticks.  I can maneuver a backside 360 comparable to Luke’s frontside 360.  What differs between us is the fact that we cannot spin the others dominant way.  If I was to attempt spinning frontside it would look as if a snowball had hit me in the face as I rotate off the rail.  The same happens to Luke as he pursues the backside 360.

This reassures me people have their individual differences and skills.  It is important we have differences otherwise everyone would be good at everything.  Our weaknesses and strengths are important aspects of defining who you are as a person.  But my weakness for frontside 360s will continue until I have learned them. I am determined to land this never forgiving trick because remember that it's always a debate between snowboarders on whether one is better than the other.  

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