I Found You | Teen Ink

I Found You

September 26, 2018
By A.lovethegreat SILVER, Adel, Iowa
A.lovethegreat SILVER, Adel, Iowa
6 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
“F is for fire that burns down the whole town. U is uranium-bombs. N IS FOR NO SURVIVORS!”

Long days, short hours, I fall in love with you.

Green grass, cool breezes, the autum is you. 

Cold nights, and you're no where to be seen, the thought of you warms the blanket.

I know that people warn, and break the ground under me, I hate to fall for someone so Perfect.

A mile long, I can follow free, I can feel your love, I make it by your side!

I don't care the distance, next to you, I will change the future.

With our love, I can breath. 

I don't feel so alone, now I'm by your side!

I need hand, we can fly, we can make it anywhere, with the wind in our hair I can see your smile! 

I can't help but love you!

The author's comments:

Sup, I think I fell in love with someone.

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