To Find A Home | Teen Ink

To Find A Home MAG

September 25, 2018
By SirZDog SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
SirZDog SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m from the shell of an unlikely couple,

one here and one gone.

The former became a reflection of the latter,

and vice versa.

Each the final piece to the other’s puzzle,

the key to the other’s lock.


One sailed an ocean to stumble upon the other,

and never went back.

From the boot in the Mediterranean
to the Big Apple,

from a lone wolf to a domesticated puppy.

A traveler who found a home,

an explorer who reached his final destination.


The other sprouted from a home of six,

and each one looked up to her.

She filled the void her mother left,

but needed someone to fill her own.

A bona fide saint, searching for a soul to save,

looking to make a family of her own.


I’m from seeming impossibility,

from the two paths that crossed.

One path rugged and distraught,

the other cleanly bricked and carefully done.

In a fleeting moment of chance and passion –

the two paths became one.

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