Endless | Teen Ink


September 21, 2018
By eke123 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
eke123 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m from endless summer nights.

    Dashing under the shining constellations,

    the bonfire crackling in the distance.

I’m from the backyard,

    diving into piles of fallen maple leaves,

    the sun peeking through the towering trees.

I’m from fondue on Christmas Eve,

    anticipating presents we’ve wished for all year with

    the love of a joyful family radiating through the house…

I’m from endless doctor appointments,

    daring to hear how an extra chromosome would be

    the distinction between my brother and the ease of normalcy.

I’m from stale, somber post-surgery rooms,

    holding my brother’s hand, hoping—

    the wait for his eyes to open unbearable.

I’m from responsibilities beyond my age,

    giving up a care-free teenage experience to care for my brother.

    The inevitable separation as I leave for college my greatest fear.

I’m from endless love.

    A brother who gives the warmest hugs after a hard day.

    A family bound by our conquest.

I’m from never giving up,

    working for needs instead of waiting for it to happen.

    The pride as my brother exceeds expectations.

I’m from happiness in the face of adversity,

    rolling through the grass with an exuberant little brother.

    I forget the therapies, the fear, the struggle;

         I’m care-free on those endless summer nights.

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