The Man to My Right | Teen Ink

The Man to My Right

March 15, 2024
By Anno82 GOLD, Austin, Texas
Anno82 GOLD, Austin, Texas
14 articles 0 photos 47 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Peace doesn't come from finding a lake with no storms. It comes from having Jesus in the boat." -John Ortberg
"God doesn't break things so He can fix them; He fixes broken things so He can use them." -Bob Goff
"Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?" -Corrie Ten Boom

On one fine day I looked around and saw a sight that had me stumped.
I peeped despite the warning sign that made me scared; then my heart thumped.
Twas strange to watch, and puzzling too, not meant to be sought out by me.
I learned quickly the sign was true and some things are not meant to see.

Regret seized me both up and down and left and right and all around.
Considering how I should act; I fell onto the cold hard ground.
Fumbling over my feet and legs and arms and hands and elbows too,
Eventually, I took a breath; I stood up tall and looked at you.

I trembled with horror at that, and then I saw you did the same.
And thus, confusion grabbed my soul: around you was a great big frame.
I went to touch your pasty skin, testing out this insanity.
You copied me with grotesque skill and in your stance was vanity.

But pain showed too, within your eyes; I raised my brow and squinted hard.
Yes you—though strange—did same as me, and I saw you were black and charred.
My greatest fears sat then and there, whirlwind of stress and tears and blood,
Bad words, snakes too, and gaping wounds flowed out of you like a large flood.

A tear escaped from deep within and made its way along my face.
You cried as well and shuddered hard, then took a step into my place.
But no, not you, I realized then; I was the one who made the move.
And you mimicked my sudden stride as if you had something to prove.

Now nose to nose I read your face; visage was searched unitedly.
Out came a gasp; you echoed me, I realized then horrendously,
That you were me and I was you, we were the same person, no doubt.
As soon as I had touched your hand, a chain linked us; we gave a shout.

I sensed my life ebbing away, my soul crushed by the immense chain.
My vision blurred; my breathing stopped; I felt the life escape my vein.
And just as all was turning black, I glimpsed a man off to my right.
He jumped between us, you and me, and seemed to be emitting light.

The chain gave way, you shriveled up, and in his arms, I found a hug.
Revived I was, my breath came back, my heart beat strong; I felt a tug.
There he stood protectively, holding me up just by the arm.
But as he smiled, then I saw, that he had come into some harm.

A piercing in each hand and foot left him bleeding and looking wry.
And I saw then, as our eyes met, that surely right now he would die.
Sobbing real hard, I pulled him tight; swiftly he passed, right there and then.
But as I searched his peaceful face, I realized he would rise again.

The author's comments:

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 

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