It's Just Tape | Teen Ink

It's Just Tape

January 18, 2024
By Anonymous

 The tape starts with a big roll.

 As it is used it becomes smaller and smaller.

 Bits and species are ripped from the body,

 used, and discarded. 

The tape's being, its work

and words belong to someone else. 

The only use it can see for itself is to help others

ripping its own body and giving it to others 

until the roll of tape ends alone and used

not seeing the damage it does to itself 

as it tries to help.

its personality striped

because the tape can't say no

it doesn't know how

It's left with nothing

but an empty cardboard circle

and the regret of letting it be taken advantage of

by someone it shouldn’t have trusted.

The author's comments:

This is one of my fist works i really enjoyed writing it though I know there are somethings i could work on so, I would love some feed back :)

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