I am a Golden Retriever | Teen Ink

I am a Golden Retriever

May 23, 2018
By kristieregal PLATINUM, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
kristieregal PLATINUM, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
20 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sniffing through the daffodils, I follow my instinct.
Veering away from home to find new pathways,
and experience the joy of a new world.

I parade through the forest soaking in the new aromas and colors.
In the distance I hear a murmur,
the sound is familiar but I’m unsure if I should turn back.

I leave my haven and follow the murmur until it becomes words.
“Come here, come back,” wailed the person.
I realized my companion was searching for me.

Dashing back through the daffodils, leaping into their arms.
I have never been so ecstatic to be home,
and by looking at my friend they were elated too.

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