Why Should I Stand? | Teen Ink

Why Should I Stand? MAG

April 10, 2017
By simone.outlaw BRONZE, Burlington , New Jersey
simone.outlaw BRONZE, Burlington , New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They make me stand every morning
For the Pledge of Allegiance
Why should I stand?
When the words of
The Pledge of Allegiance
Are ideals, not the truth of the country?
“One nation”
Our nation is not one,
We are divided.
With a president who will
never bring us together.
“Under God”
Whose God?
Not everyone is this country is Christian.
“With liberty and justice for all”
There was no liberty and justice
Given to the slaves.
There was no liberty and justice
Given to Muslims.
There was no liberty and justice
Given to Trayvon Martin or Freddie Gray.
Why should I stand?
When kids in my own school think it’s okay
To call me or my friends
A name given to us
By the same people who
Made us wear shackles and chains,
Laughed while we were lynched,
Thinking it was fun and games.
They say stand up for what you believe in
I sit because it is my right
To fight against the injustices
My right to protest.
At my school I do not have all my rights.
I cannot sit anymore.
It is disrespecting my country they say,
I saw that on Twitter
And heard it every day.
Why should I stand?

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on Apr. 13 2017 at 5:02 pm
HereSheIs BRONZE, Wellesley, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 187 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light." -Plato

I agree, and it's pretty brave of you to sit down for all that time. Kudos to you