Demise | Teen Ink


December 20, 2016
By Serenda PLATINUM, Nashotah, Wisconsin
Serenda PLATINUM, Nashotah, Wisconsin
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“When is mommy coming back?” said the boy with the sad eyes.
“Your mommy is in a new place, a place where she is happy.” The grandfather said.
“But wasn’t she happy with daddy and I?”
“Of course she was but your mother was very sick.”
“Like with the flu?”
“Much worse than the flu.”
“Why didn’t the doctors help her?”

A silence takes over the room like the water from a
flood sweeping into a nearby road.

“Sometimes people can’t be help…sometimes it’s just their time to go.”
“But I didn’t want her to go!”
“No one did but someday you will see her again, but hopefully not soon.”
“At least I have you grandpa”
“Yes you do….yes you do”

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