The Thirsty Crow | Teen Ink

The Thirsty Crow

November 2, 2016
By Vallika BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
Vallika BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

I flew threw the air with my black furry feathered friends.

We soared just above the canopy of trees,
Listening to the calls of our bird friends as they woke from their slumber.
The sun rays danced across the roofs tops of kapok and sequoia trees,
I took in its warmth as the wind ran through my feathers.

Suddenly, a pang of thirst hit me like a gust of cold wind.
The world dimmed as I flew down through the canopy of trees in search of water.
I landed on a tree and scanned the ground for human tracks.
Spotting, broken branches and upturned pebbles,
I turned to a different tree.

Seeing nothing out of the ordinary,
I kept flying in a straight line away from the human path.
I finally reached an abandoned looking well,
And landed on its edge to get some rest.

Peering in, I realized there was water in it and it was very shallow,
But not shallow enough for me to drink from.
The water stared at me with clear glassy eyes,
Taunting, teasing, and making fun of me,
belittling me.

Not knowing what to do,
I stared at it longingly,
As it sat there still and cold.
I ripped my eyes from its cool dead gaze
And tried to look around for help.

No animal was around
I tried calling out to my companions
But the answering songs were far out in the distance
It was just me and my icy foe.

The hunger to quench my thirst was starting to catch fire
I was about to lose hope and give up.
Something fell on my head and I sprang into the air
Looking down, I watched a small nut fall into the well.

I stared at the water that consumed the small nut.
I thanked the tree that had startled me
And raced back through the trees to the initial tree that I had landed on
I watched for humans as I landed on the path full of upturned pebbles.
Picking one up, I traveled back to the abandoned well and threw the pebble in.

I observed carefully.
The water parted and consumed the pebble,
Rising ever so slightly.
The ache in my throat and gut was starting to get stronger,
As I raced through the trees back to the human path.

The water levels of the abandoned well were rising agonizingly slow
Its icy stare was reluctant to look at me any longer,
But I forced it to look like at me.
Closer and closer I got to going crazy
Closer and closer I got to satisfying myself.
Not knowing which one would win out first,
I pushed myself harder and harder.

What felt like hours could've been mere seconds
As I stumbled to drop the last pebble into the well.
The water glared at me face to face now.
My vision was starting to darken
And I feared I would become a pebble soon
If I didn't fight the darkness.

I willed myself to take control and slowly dip my beak in the icy water
Focusing more of my grip on the well more than anything.
Suddenly I became aware of the cool water flowing through my body
My eyes sharpened and I took humongous gulps of freedom,
Till I was full to the brim.
A feeling of calm relief settled over me,
I decided to rest on my defeated foe as the sun went down
And the chirps of my brethren faded into the sweet serene sounds of the night.

The author's comments:

Based on a hindi poem my grandma used to tell me when I was younger, before bed time. 

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 11 2016 at 8:42 am
gayatrielliot BRONZE, Delhi , Other
1 article 0 photos 33 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The autumn leaves are a riot of color. They remind us of the good, colorful things, and their crunch beneath our shoes also bids adieu to all bad things that have long gone,"

Wow! I love this fabulous piece