Ode to Paris Rooftops | Teen Ink

Ode to Paris Rooftops

June 7, 2016
By sandragrace_ BRONZE, Staten Island, New York
sandragrace_ BRONZE, Staten Island, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Ode to Rooftops,
how you showcase the top of the city
which we cannot see down below
how you are the first to see the dark sky rumble yet you are
just tossed aside and not


Ode to Paris rooftops,
that are glowing even in the dark
of the night and shine in the roughest of
storms. Picture perfect Paris rooftops but
we are all too consumed by technology to understand
all you are here to offer.
We can stand upon you and
see the true beauty of Paris yet
we don’t.


Ode to Nature rooftops,
that are looked upon only by those
who understand the beauty of the
world we live in.
You are so caring and loving towards us
who care and love you.
You provide us with beauty and we
provide you with love and
we take care of you.
Thank you for loving us and showing us the views
all the rest of the world is

The author's comments:

After visiting the MET with my class, we had to look around at the different paintings and see which on caught our eye. The painting that caught my eye was this painting of the rooftops of Paris.

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