Beautiful Life | Teen Ink

Beautiful Life

April 13, 2016
By MikeJaskolski BRONZE, Mukwonagio, Wisconsin
MikeJaskolski BRONZE, Mukwonagio, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Beautiful scenes around the world
Beautiful beaches with high tides
Ferocious forests that take your soul for a ride
Monstrous mountains that will leave you gazing 
Luscious lakes that leave your heart aching
Rich rives fill us with pride
everyone wishes they can see these before they die

Why do we let our little problems get in the way
Of everything we want to do and say
There is an amazing world for us to explore
But we only care about what's outside the front door
We fail to realise there’s so much more
More than paying bills and punching a time clock
More than life than from just 9-5 o’clock

Everyone has dreams of an amazing life
Yet most people take those dreams to the afterlife
We watch and admire someone's life
Comparing it to our own, dissecting it with a sharp knife
Why do we compare ourselves to others?
As if we should live like all the famous actors
When will we focus on ourselves?

Life is a beautiful thing
that can make your soul sing
Focus on building Experiences and friends
not catching up on the “coolest” trends
Follow your dreams and see the world
The numbers in your bank account won't matter
When the regret and sadness in your casket get fatter

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