When I was Little | Teen Ink

When I was Little

February 23, 2016
By smartygirl PLATINUM, Wilmington, Massachusetts
smartygirl PLATINUM, Wilmington, Massachusetts
32 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Insanity:doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results" -Albert Einstein

I remember the hot days of summer
Cooling off in a pool
Riddled with mermaids and sea creatures alike
Arcs of light shining off
their aquamarine scales

My hair ruffling in the breeze
As my legs pumped me up in the air
This was no swing, but
a vehicle of transportation
a way to float on the clouds
and say hello to the passing birds
before falling back to earth
the brown soil squished between my toes

Forts built with blankets
checkered red and black
no longer just something to swaddle you
but a canopy from the beating sun
while dinosaurs noisily munched
on mossy, leafy plants
hanging off of the trees overhead

Tiles became teetering cliffs
One slip and BAM!
Up against the rocks
slammed by stormy waves
But I skip through unharmed
and continue on my way

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