The Wisp | Teen Ink

The Wisp

August 29, 2015
By FreedomFairy BRONZE, Kirkland, Washington
FreedomFairy BRONZE, Kirkland, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Your biggest hurtles are your best teachers"
"I am the queen of my own castle"

Trepidation pervades my being,

I struggle as I suppress.

My lips waver and I whimper,

like a canine in distress.

Where  are my tears you ask?

I reciprocate the question to you.

Why can't I feel my emotions,

like I desire to so deeply do?

My face is as silent as night;

no expression leaks from my soul.

Where are my expressions you ask?

I am afraid to say I don't know.

The evil before me motionless,

but somewhere I hear a scream.

I strain my ear even further,

and I become aware the screaming is from me.

My enemy is inanimate,

nevertheless it provokes great terror.

I freeze as if I am a being of ice,

as the enemy begins to dare further.

A wisp of hope appears,

in a form so fragile and small.

My mind doubts if it is anything,

alas it is nowhere fragile at all.

The beacon of light becomes brighter;

a strength so intangible in every way

So very elusive it frightens me,

however I would like it to stay.

Although this hope scares me,

it will forever prevail over dark.

Remain for eternity if I believe,

all I need to do is start.

The author's comments:

This peice was inspired by a struggle. One the almost consumed my being entirely. I knew that somehow I would be victorious in the end even though I had a mountain to climb. I was able to climb that mountain and come out even stronger in the end. All we have to do is believe we can get through and we will.

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