Agent Barefoot and the Case of the Banana Diamond | Teen Ink

Agent Barefoot and the Case of the Banana Diamond

June 3, 2015
By Fanta1 SILVER, Milpitas, California
Fanta1 SILVER, Milpitas, California
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Agent Barefoot is an extraordinary and pretty spy.
No, she can not fly high.
You expect her to be older than you,
maybe 22.
But that’s not true,
she is 14.
She has a spy jean.
Her latest case,
is very hard to face.
Her arch enemy which is the evil shoe,
doesn't like to play with you.
He has stolen the priceless banana diamond!
it isn’t an almond.
Agent barefoot is ready to take the cake.
In other words she is ready to face her arch ache.
She goes out to the priceless museum,
it looks like a Roman Coliseum.
She goes inside and asks what happened.
The guard says “I don’t know. It happened so fast.
He just passed!”
“See you later Barefoot.
I bet you have a pussyfoot.hahaha”
Agent Barefoot runs after the evil shoe,
the evil shoe does too.
They reach the evil shoe’s warehouse,
which doesn't look anything like a pretty blouse.
He puts in a number code,
but Barefoot was slowed.
She tries to think of a number,
then she goes into a deep slumber.
Barefoot looks at her badge,
with its batch.
The number is 58,
which is great!
Suddenly she types in 0000.
She feels like a hero.
The door opens noisily,
and Barefoot sees the shoe’s canary.
She goes in lurking in the shadows,
but Socko appears out of nowhere,
like in the meadows.
Socko is the evil shoe’s sidekick,
he thinks everything feels like a brick.
He brings barefoot to the evil shoe.
Who laughs so strangely, just like you!
“I have you know”
Give me the banana diamond foe.
No I will take this and ah! monkeys!
For it is monkeys that came in,
all trying to win.
They take the banana diamond and speed off,
for they laugh and cough.
One monkey steps out,
and takes a shout.
He has eaten the banana diamond and feels sick,
Then all of a sudden-click!
The monkey that ate it is glowing,
and growing.
He then drops to the ground and has magical powers.
It doesn't feel like hours.
Barefoot escapes with her scissors,
because she escaped from the razors.
The monkeys start taking over towns,
they make a lot of sounds.
The people flee,
while the monkeys are free.
The monkeys start to ponder,
weather the Great Monkey or the evil shoe should be their leader.
The Great Monkey is the one who ate,
the banana diamond which is so great.
The Great Monkey and the evil shoe bicker and fight,
while forgetting about fright.
Barefoot comes and puts the evil shoe in jail,
while the Great Monkey has to promise on his tail,
that he will work for the lady that owned the banana diamond.
Agent Barefoot saves the day
And now another mission is on her way.
Stay tuned folks for the next adventure of Agent Barefoot.
she maybe closer than you think.
cause I’m agent barefoot

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