Dreams | Teen Ink


October 20, 2014
By KhalidTaylor1 SILVER, Lauderhill, Florida
KhalidTaylor1 SILVER, Lauderhill, Florida
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments


Dreams are a trip through the subconscious.
They are like vast bubbles in a ocean.
One may lead you through a lion’s den.
Or perhaps a car demolition.

Dreams can lead you to a place.
That bring confusion to your face.
Some Dreams have no themes.
Others make people scream.

Dreams can often make people feel happy
And sometimes the make them very angry
Dreams can take you to an imaginary land
Or make you feel like you are playing in a marching band

Dreams can make you feel like a king.
Or make you want to sing.
Dreams can have you view glorious sights
Or make you appear in many fights.

The author's comments:

Since I was a child I have had strange dreams that contain a different meaning, so I thought why not create a simple rhyme poem that tell different types of dreams and how they affect a single human being

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