What lies beneath | Teen Ink

What lies beneath

March 4, 2014
By makkwheel SILVER, Easley, South Carolina
makkwheel SILVER, Easley, South Carolina
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Would I be the same to you if I didn’t color my hair?
If I didn’t wear makeup and look my best everyday would that make a difference to you?
Would you still love me if I couldn’t walk straight, or if I wasn’t so tall, or if my head was full of frizzy knots?
If I was a little over bored and couldn’t let go of some pounds would that change us?
I can’t help but wonder if there’s anything that would make you change your mind.
Would it matter to you if I couldn’t hear you say my name or hear your laugh?
If I didn’t know with my eyes what you looked like could you possibly still want me?
What If I couldn’t walk by your side, but roll along with you? If I couldn’t stand up to kiss you would you care?
How much do you think you love me, enough to want me when I’ve lost every sense?
If you saw me for the first time and tried to talk to me and I started signing to you; would you walk away or make an effort to figure out what I’m saying?
If I wasn’t like everyone else’s version of normal and I was what society calls “unfortunate” not to have the same as others would you see me as lacking or just having more character?
Would you want to hug me if I could only hug you back with one arm?
Could you see the beautiful inside me when I’m bald and chemo has claimed it all?
Would you stay by my side if you knew my physical features and ability would change for the worst tomorrow?
Would you change if I change?
Could you stay if I change?
How strong is your faith and love for me; enough to pick me up when I’ve fallen down, enough to want me regardless of what you see?
Could you love me for just my soul and not my outer shell?
If we peeled away the skin and released the me within would you recognize me?
If you knew my personality but couldn’t see me physically would you still love me for me?


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