Promises | Teen Ink


February 10, 2014
By Fallen_ PLATINUM, Quakertown, Pennsylvania
Fallen_ PLATINUM, Quakertown, Pennsylvania
25 articles 3 photos 433 comments

Favorite Quote:
" a shattered world is only an opening into a new beginning with laughs, smiles, and love all around enter the world of the light and away from the broken darkness"

I see your luminous eyes,
Burning brighter than the heavens on earth,
Your gracious laugh leaves me hypnotized wanting nothing more than to spend my days with you,
Your smile so blinding keeps me trying to get closer and closer to you,
And oh your heart the best part of you,
Yet you keep it warded off caged down, never to be found,
But even if I stare upon you I can see your light peeping through the locks of your caged heart,
Oh how one beams to be the one to hold you tight,
The one to help you in these endless fights,
Is it possible? can it be?
That I have fallen for thee?
Is it possible? how can it be?
To be under your radiant grace.
Let this be my oath that I must read,
That I shall complete these trials if it means to be with you,
I shall climb the tallest tower,
I shall climb to the heavens and shout out your glorious name,
I shall spend these endless days answering your prayers,
For my love there is no where id rather be then in your loving arms tonight,
Let the golden bells ring your beautiful voice,
Let the ravens and doves forever have your contagious laugh seared into their chorus,
Let the world kneel before it's ma 'lady,
Forever more until the ends of times,
Let me spend it with thy divine

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This article has 2 comments.

midnightwoah said...
on Aug. 4 2014 at 11:02 pm
midnightwoah, Monett, Missouri
0 articles 0 photos 188 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We accept the love we think we deserve." -Stephen Chbosky

Gracefull and imaginative. Inspiring read for all those with or wanting that special someone. You write amazing endings that ties the entire poem together, well, gracefully!

on Feb. 17 2014 at 7:15 am
Ray--yo PLATINUM, Kathmandu, Other
43 articles 2 photos 581 comments

Favorite Quote:
God Makes No Mistakes. (Gaga?)
"I have hated the words and I have loved them, and I hope I have made them right." -Liesel Meminger via Markus Zusac, "The Book Thief"

Absolutely amazing Luna, I liked the simplicity, and also the way you incorporated 'fallen' and 'grace' in your poem. Great job, again!