Silent Harmony | Teen Ink

Silent Harmony

July 23, 2013
By swimm GOLD, Kent, Ohio
swimm GOLD, Kent, Ohio
15 articles 78 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"many wish to change the world, few wish to change themselves"

In my head my own silent harmony.
Let me be, please don’t wake me up this time;
Alone I’m free and finally happy.

Push off, grab the ropes, pulling urgently,
Turn and twist I hold the wind in my hands,
In my head my own silent harmony.

The horizon and its enormity,
Out here I’m lost and feel so much at home;
Alone I’m free and finally happy.

The shore is gone, with my uncertainty,
There’s no one around, water closes in,
In my head my own silent harmony.

Salty spray washes away agony,
Waves hit the boat and rock a lullaby;
Alone I’m free and finally happy.

To never go back, what a fantasy,
Look behind me at all that I’m leaving,
In my head my own silent harmony.
Alone I’m free and finally happy.

The author's comments:
this poem is in villanelle form


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