A sweet to the sour | Teen Ink

A sweet to the sour

December 27, 2012
By Lexi_S PLATINUM, Syracuse, Virginia
Lexi_S PLATINUM, Syracuse, Virginia
46 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When life gives you lemons chuck them back at life and demand apples."

I miss the old me.
the one everyone loved.
and who lived the perfect life.
all if feel is loneliness, and regret.
i've driven away the ones i love,
and mad a fool of myself.
all the decisions i've made haven't made me happier.
have brought me to my worse.
though desperate measures,
i've only made it more unbearable...
for myself.
why can't i be happy?
why did i have to do this?
sometimes i feel i deserve it.
because somehow it's my fault.
but i don't,
because it's not.
other's bad decisions, have influenced mine.
it's their fault i'm like this.
they've turned me.
but i let them.
i didn't recognize the warnings.
it is my fault...
and i deserve it.
i need it.
because for the first time,
i can feel...

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