Mother, I Am a Dreamer | Teen Ink

Mother, I Am a Dreamer

August 8, 2012
By ErinAirfire GOLD, Yreka, California
ErinAirfire GOLD, Yreka, California
13 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We are reading the story of our lives
as though we were in it,
as though we had written it"

-Mark Strand

Mother, I am a dreamer,

a traveler of the mind;
My love for thee is forever,

but my place is not by thy side.

The adventurer’s heart within me
beats fire through my veins,
And since I am bound by body

I quest with what remains.

To lands unknown and forgotten

I follow my spirit’s call—
Far beyond the dragon’s den,

where stars arise and shadows fall.

Mother, thou art a fighter,

a warrior of the earth;
To thee, thought without action

is not of any worth.

You conquer and you vanquish

such foes as dirt and dust,
And that you are unshakable

is the one thing I can trust.

Yet there are certain places

where one may only go
By putting chores in stasis

and moving with the flow.

These places are the windows

to truth and eternity;
And sometimes there, the answers

I am seeking come to me.

I know your feelings, Mother,

that I should spend more time in bed
Sleeping rather than dreaming,

and waking time less in my head.

Mother, I am a dreamer,

a traveler of the mind;
My place will be forever

with that which lies inside.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Aug. 9 2012 at 4:04 pm
gabriellarose GOLD, Columbia, Maryland
10 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I am astonished always at the stupidity of humanity but I shouldn't be, it's always with us. Which, after all, keeps giving me more and more to write about." Charles Bukowski

Wow. This is phenomenal. I love the imagery. Thank you much for sharing it with us. Keep it up:)