The Leaky Rowboat | Teen Ink

The Leaky Rowboat

February 28, 2012
By tTOMG GOLD, Lisbon, Iowa
tTOMG GOLD, Lisbon, Iowa
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is what you make of it. It cannot give you lemons. If you get lemons, you gave yourself lemons. You're obviously being a sourpuss. So get some sugar and drink up, babe." - Unknown

There once were two pirates,
named Jack and Josephine,
who owned a leaky rowboat,
and tried to keep it clean.

One day, they sat aboard their boat,
sinking in the sea,
all the while singing,
'what a fortune have we!'.

We have our health and both our oars,
and even a bucket or two.
and with some luck we'll float to shore,
if our legs stay true.

This is why I'm fond of pirates,
not the looting, drinking, and worse,
but because of determination,
when all hope starts to disperse.

So they floated across the sea,
bobbing and kicking, they knew,
that they'd give up their piracy,
if the shore would receive them true.

But they never made it to the shore,
for a big pirate ship came upon them.
So they remained pirates forever more,
the leaky rowboat far behind them.

The author's comments:
This is what happens when you use facebook in Pirate.

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