I Cried (the day you left) | Teen Ink

I Cried (the day you left)

February 9, 2012
By Lovergirl GOLD, Gretna, Virginia
Lovergirl GOLD, Gretna, Virginia
12 articles 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
"don't jugde and ye won't be jugde" matthew 7:1
"If you don't know the trees you will get lost in the forest, but if you don't know the stories you will get lost in life' -Siderian Proverb

I cried the day you left me
sore eyes, can't close that day out
red tears....blood that's what i cried the day you left

I cried the day you said you wanted to marry me
hard to believe that day, gone by
that was a day without blood,the day you left

I cried,bloodshot eyes,the day you left I'm all dried up ,did I cry you a river; No I cried you the sea; i try to drown in it alas could not

I cried,when I got an invitation, to a wedding.
bloody tears i had, heard you loud and clear the day you said "I do"
this was hard to hear,compared to the day your left

I cried, not a single tear,3yrs down the road. when she died giving birth to your daughter I saw the scar, In your lift at her funeral,not a tear in your eyes

I cried, the day you came by, but not tears of joy tears of fear,shock,you're drunk,your kisses rough you put fear in my eyes and sadness, you didn't leave the next day

I cried, when you apologize,and promise to make it right.blood shot tears,you proposed you,made me your bride I should have said no,for I saw no love in your eyes

I cried, on my wedding day when you force "I do" out bloody tears, when I thought you'll come to love me. you took care of me and the unborn babe.

I cried,the day i give birth to your son.simple, I saw ,the tears of joy the day you held him
you saw me staring,you mased your emotions from me

I cried the day you brought me home I took care of you, the children, kept the bed warm for you.alas,I cried myself to sleep,I didn't hear you come in.

I cried, tears of joy wqhen you explain why you tried so hard to stay away from me.It explains everything you stil love me.

I cried,stil to this day,for you stoll rember that day you put fear in my eyes when you planted your seeds, you fear I woulud hate you.

I crid,In the past,but no more the tears only confronted your fear that I hated you,.... I couldn't ,I LOVE YOU, everyday,even the day you left

The author's comments:
it about the time my exboyfriend left me too many time that i don't remeber but I stil love him

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